We were just finalising our KS project, nearly 70000 parts later and 500 Puzzle Boxes, in December 2023. We were pretty exhausted and saw the call for applications for the “Prix de l’Innovation 2024 (Innovation Prize 2024)” organised by the Luxembourg Chamber of Skilled Trades and Craft.

Skip ahead to May 2024 and we were invited to the Awards Ceremony – it was a fantastic evening, learning and celebrating such fantastic hidden Individuals and Companies in Luxembourg. And then, the exiting moment – and the Winner of the PIA2024 “Coup de Coeur (Project we Love)” goes to ADnigma! What an ADventure! Check out the “Nomination Video” below (in French):

S.A.R. le grand- duc héritier

Wow! Not only did we win the prize for “Project we love”, but we also had the honour to talk to His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince of Luxembourg and to give his H.R.H. our Puzzle Box. Let’s hope he solves it 😉

Histoires Royales – Le grand-duc héritier Guillaume récompense l’innovation dans l’artisanat

They are talking about us! Check out the articles below:

Luxembourg Times – Luxembourg’s most innovative skilled-trade and craft business is crowned

Luxemburger Wort – Cocottes ist der Gewinner des Abends

Virgule.lu – L’entreprise Cocottes récompensée pour son innovation

CDM.lu – Cocottes remporte le Prix de l’Innovation dans l’Artisanat 2024!

Virgule.lu – L’entreprise artisanale la plus innovante du Luxembourg a été couronnée